mardi 5 février 2013

January Favorites! (Random)

With the arrival of a new month, it's time for my fave items of January!:)

Honey love<3 I don't know why but this month i've been obssed with aything that smelled like honey:)

1- Soap from Lush: Honey I washed the kids <3
A smooth moistrising sweet smelling soap that you will love it the first instant!

2-Eos lip balm: Honeysuckel Honeydew<3
These things are so adorable and absoultuely amazing. They smell and taste;) amazing, they are so moistrizing and are some of the most mostrurizing lip balm I have ever tried:)

3-Herbal essence conditionner: HoneyI'mStrong<3
I don't think I'll ever change my shampoo because I love my tressemme 24 hour body shampoo so much for what it does to my hair so I changed up my conditionner a couple of times in the herbal essences brand and  I'm loving the latest one I've tried:) It smells soooo good and It makes your hair have a healthy glow and feel so soft:)

vendredi 18 janvier 2013

New Collection:)

Its offical, the Forever21 Swim2013 collection is out! Filled with crazy paterns like chevron, stripes and tropical prints along with neon colours, this collection is so fun and summery!:)

Some of the looks of the collection:) :

Move over aztec, a new season means a new fave print that will take over: TIE DYE!!!!!! Even if this print already appeared on runways two seasons ago, it is my favorite print for the upcomming spring and summer season:) It has been seen on celebrities, on the Isabel Marant runway and in stores:)

Tie Dye pieces that you can put in your closet!:) :

Here are 3 celebrities that already rocked the tie dye look:) :

Jessica alba rocking green and white tie dye jeans.

Gwen Stephani in a rock and roll version of  navy and white jeans tie dye jeans. 

Olivia Palermo, chic as always with colored tie dye jeans.

On the runway:

Isabel Marant spring summer 2012:)

lundi 7 janvier 2013

One Direction's Kiss You video is out!! Verdict? Super cute!!

samedi 5 janvier 2013

People, if there's one place to be right now, it's in stores.. because it's
time!! And you do not want to miss all theses amazing deals.. It doesn't matter if you go online or in stores.. this is the time to start the year fresh with a brand new affortable (finally) wardrobe
My top 3:
PS. They all have one thing in commun on the first page: Your favorite word ;)
So whats the perfect wallpaper? Well on my laptop I have this great vintage add of the Coco Chanel perfume Coco Mademoiselle. I really like the feel of it and the image is good to see the applications on your deskshop (wich if kinda useful).. if you want to use it.. there you go.. i decided to share it!!

Everyday I love to go check out, or to get the insides on what's happening in the fashion world live.. but you know.. sometimes you just got to put your brain on off mode and just laugh and relax a little.. so this is my favorite chillax site (yes it's a thing... if it isn't, I'm making it a thing :p).. You probably heard of it already.. if not.. shame, SHAME! on you and go on it know.. WARNING: you might never come off :p

It's called 9GAG and it's basically not even a site anymore.. it's a community. You'll find different memes created by the users and just amusing jokes and trust me it's addictive. Usually I like to start on the "What's Hot" page where you'll find the most popular posts of the moment (yes.. I have my little routine) and then I switch to go on the "Trending" page where you'll find all the almost popular posts.. that page is my probably my favorite. Don't forget also to check the titles.. it makes everything make sense. The "Vote" page? Please.. don't even bother.. i make better stuff then that when I sleep man.. :P
Oh and don't forget to add the application on your phone or ipod